Thursday, November 20, 2008

Off Track Moments

The girls have a lot of fun playing together. They have played the Wii, went swimming, gone to the park but the best is when Megyn uses her imagination. They have love being part of whatever she is planning. Today they took turns jumping, dancing, and racing around the basement. Megyn thought they did such a good job she awarded them trophies.Kloe loves to get dressed and due her hair right when she wakes up Makenna on the other hand could stay in her pajamas all day. I am like Kloe get up get dressed do my chores and then lounge in the afternoon. How about you?


Leslie Kay said...

Uggh yeah! I'm like Makenna any day of the week.

Anonymous said...

I love being in my pajamas and work around the house. If it gets to be about 10:30 and I am still in my pajamas then I start feeling too lazy. The worst is when a neighbor knocks on the door and my boy answers it so I have to come out in my pjs.