Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Meg BIg 10!!!!

Happy Happy Birthday I can't believe she is 10. She is such a light and inspiration to our family she is driven, tender hearted, smart(maybe to smart at least for her mom), beautiful inside and out, and a koopmans(thats a good thing). She definitely lives up to her last name. I can express how much she means to this family. I kept asking her what she wanted for her birthday and she kept telling me nothing  but a couple of days before her birthday she told me she would like anything BYU and a tether ball. Tether ball I know but she loves to play at school. She was so excited to get the tether ball she took it to school for a week even though the air was so bad she could play outside. She has the biggest smile it melts your heart. We had a surprise birthday party for her and she was speechless when she walked in to all her friends yelling Surprise. We had fun playing games and eating. IT was memorable. Thanks Megyn for your sweet spirit.

Principal Pride

Kloe and Kenna both received the Principal Pride. Kloe had good handwriting and Kenna received the Super Student Award. This is a great acknowledgement the school does for the students. The parents on the other hand it is a little bit of a pain. Luckily my friend called and reminded me ten minutes before we were suppose to be there. I was grateful I didn't have little ones to get ready or cart around. The girls are so proud to come home and show dad their accomplishments. I am for any reason my children can take pride in school work. The girls are having fun in school. Kylee is doing really well in junior high she has many friends, playing basketball and reading the twilight series. It is exciting to see her interested in reading and choosing to read instead of watching TV. Kylee truly blesses our family. Megyn has improved is schooling and we are so excited. She is going crazy having to stay inside because the air is so bad to play outside. She is in futsal and is glad to be back playing with her soccer friends it does give her something to look forward to on the weekends. She is also the assistant coach for Kennas basketball team. She loves to be involved and loves to help me I love that.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas Day Its a boy

Meet our new boy! BROCK . This is something the whole family wanted (except mom) I was totally out numbered. They have been wanting a lab forever and I told them that the only way  a lab was coming to our house is if Santa brings one. Yeah for Santa. Marty was just as excited as the girls to have our new dog. Everyone is having fun playing with Brock even cyndle (our poodle). 

Christmas Day

The little ones had fun getting the things they had asked for from Santa. In our house the girls get to ask for three things from Santa The three gifts represents the three gifts the wise men gave to Jesus. They really need to think hard for what they want. They are so excited when Santa pulls through. They get gifts from mom and dad of course but this year it was definitely downsized. It was awesome. 

We had a blue versus red Christmas. It was very nice this year to downsize the presents and really focus on the giving part of Christmas. The girls really had to think about what they wanted the most. For Kylee and Megyn it was BYU or UTAH clothing. It was fun to see them excited about what they got. One special thing about this Christmas was that one of my daughters decided that the only presents she wanted was wishes. She wished for a boy in our neighborhood would not feel any pain during his surgery  and the other was for kids at her school to be nice to another little girl in our ward. This is very touching for a mom. I asked her if she would like a letter from the moms telling her if these two children were doing well. She told me that she didn't need a letter she was sure Santa Claus would take care of it. This is the Christmas spirit at work, wanting the best for others. What an example my children are for me!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mr. And Mrs. Claus

This time of year everyone talks about traditions. My mom has a few traditions that she started when we were little like giving us ornaments, a decoration or whatever.I have them all since 1985. I like to talk about traditions and think I will do some soon but Have I done any with my kids yet umm NO., Except one (which was started by my mom) anywho. Our Tradition is to have Mr. and Mrs Claus over to my moms house for a story and presents. Santa and the Mrs. have been coming to see us since Kylee was 4. It all started when we were at my moms Best friends house Vicki Cottrells. We were there with all of her kids and grandskids and then my mom and I and Kylee. So we were all there waiting for Santa, waiting and waiting the kids were getting restless as you can imagine when Vicki realized that she had forgotten to tell Santa to come. So we looked up our Santa and gave them a call they didn't have much time because they had other people waiting for them already but they managed to fit us in. It was the Christmas Spirit that everyone talks about. To this day we have had this Santa and Mrs. Claus come to visit us. Vicki was in a terrible car accident and passed away but my mom was determined to continue the tradition and I appreciate her for that. My kids think it is so special because they get a special visit from Santa.
Santa always brings the kids a toy and this year Kloe got a Bratz board game. I could not figure the game out the rules and cards were all mixed up. I turned to my mom and asked where did you get this game? Kloe answered Duh Santa brought it the elves made it! I thought dumb elves.
I had to make up our owm rules to the game and them it was fun. Next time the elves should look more closely at the games they make for Santa.

St. George Soccer Tournament 2008

We had a lot of fun in St. George over Thanksgiving break. One of the highlights was watching Megyn play in a tournament. Her team did very well they received the silver medal for their effort. Megyn has been playing defense for this season but for the tournament she was played as a mid fielder. She is great in any position but she likes to be up with the action more. In our last game of the tournament we were playing for second place and the score was 0 to 0. With about 1 minute left in the game our team went for the goal the goalie blocked the shot it came back to Megyn at mid field she ran up to the ball and kicked it up in the air as we all watch it head for the goal we were all willing it to go in. There was only about a foot between the goalie and the goal post and by golly the ball dropped down into the goal. It was the most exhilarating moments for a parent and for the team.It is hard to describe the emotions of such a moment. Did we capture it on camera NO but we will never forget.Megyn has never acknowledged a goal in the past but after this one her arm flew up and the whole team was jumping on top of her the coach ran on the field and gave her a big hug it was totally awesome!!!!!!! Moments like that is why we appreciate all the hard work she puts in her practices. It may never happen again but we will never forget!!!